Tuesday, September 7, 2010

AUD & the Dubai Metro

Now that I've had a chance to explore the American University in Dubai's campus a bit, I thought I'd share a few pictures. Even though it's squeezed into a relatively small area in a bustling city, the campus really is beautiful. It's completely the opposite of the campus I'm used to--Lewis & Clark College, which has expansive acreage, vast greens and dense surrounding forest. AUD is brand-new (founded in 1995), sharp, clean, and a fresh take on a familiar style of architecture. Here's what AUD writes about the campus:

The campus of The American University in Dubai is the material expression of the university’s mission and character. Two words come to mind in describing this campus – American and world-class: “American” because of its sobriety and Jeffersonian architectural rigor, “world-class” because of the notable quality of the physical plant and accompanying facilities.

I don't know of many universities in the U.S. that boast about "sobriety"... but you can definitely see what they mean:
AUD Academic Building

Here's an image of the AUD soccer field, showing the close proximity to the city skyscrapers (complete with the moisture that kept fogging up my camera lens):
AUD Soccer Fields

And a classroom with a great view:
AUD classroom

Not only have I had the chance to explore the campus, I also decided a few days ago that I would master Dubai's public transportation system, hoping that it would prove to satisfy my transportation needs. I wouldn't call myself an expert yet, but I think I've gotten it down pretty well. Even though the metro station right across the street from the campus isn't yet open, the next station, I've found, is a short bus ride or a semi-long walk from campus. Dubai's metro system is probably the most extravagant public line with the lowest trip fares you'll find anywhere. All stations look like shiny gold pod-type things built above the roads. Inside, there are gleaming floors, moving walkways, escalators, video monitors, automatic doors, and all of the high-tech equipment you'd only expect of the best. Here's to hoping that all of the stations will be open soon (the government has said they will by October, we'll see).

Outside the Dubai Marina metro station

Inside a metro station

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